Contact Us
Get in touch
There are several ways of getting in touch with us. You can contact us by telephone, email or write to us at the address below. If you would like to speak to your child's class teacher, the headteacher or another member of staff, please contact the School Office in the first instance and someone will get back to you.
Headteacher: Mrs L Frogson
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs J Little
SEND Co-ordinator: Mrs L Frogson (interim)
School Administrator: Mrs J Wake
Assistant School Administrator: Mrs C Dent
Chair of Governors: Mr J Wilson
01909 550011
Anston Park Infant School
Park Avenue
North Anston
S25 2QZ
If it is a safeguarding issue, ie. you suspect a child is a victim of abuse or neglect by an adult and need to report it. You need to see Mrs Tyler (Headteacher), Mrs Frogson (Deputy Headteacher) or Mr Wilson (Chair of Governors) via the contacts above.